I've had alot of interest in making certain things. Someone requested an apron, two friends want to see me make a diaper bag, and several are interested in the bag(s) I've been making. Just to be completely honest here...most of the fabrics I bought when I stocked up are baby fabrics...because originally I was going to make baby blankets. But then I realized they weren 't challenging enough. So now I'm stuck with a bunch of baby fabric when I want to be making things for the Mama's out there instead! So it will be a slow process to get any "custom orders" made. I need to burn through some of the baby materials first before I go on a fabric buying spree again!
Anyway, today I made a new bag (large size) from start to finish in 4 hours. Yikes! But alot of that time is just normal day to day distractions. Gavin stayed home from school because his newest front (adult) tooth is coming in and causing him pain. He barely slept last night so I kept him home. I picked up the fabric for the bag last night...and I LOVE IT! I used interfacing this time, which I hadn't been using in other bags...so it feels much sturdier & durable than the others, which are just cotton and feel more like a tote than a purse.
Bags I've made!
My updated sewing room. Filling up quickly!
The *ADORABLE* sign I picked up. LOVE it!
Managed to keep the guest bed in the room as well, YAY!!
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