Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Here's to tomorrow...

January hasn't started out exactly as I had planned.
I had these big goals, a real heart to heart with myself and I was ready to tackle 2013 on the first day of the year.
But life always happens and adjusting to new routines isn't always easy.
I've been battling a few internal struggles as well, which has kind of put me in a funk.
Regardless, I'm jumping back on the wagon tomorrow.

I've been dealing with a lot of self doubt lately. 
Maybe its because I set some lofty goals for myself this year and I feel kind of *stuck* on all of them.
Maybe its because by the time I have a chance to think about achieving my personal goals, I'm too exhausted from helping other people reach their happiness.
Alas, I need to get it all in check.

So here's to tomorrow.
Less doubt, fewer excuses.
One step at a time.

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