Sunday, December 30, 2012

The holidays are over, bring it on 2013!

I hate to say it, but I'm glad December is over.  Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays but I think this year more than ever I've been looking forward to the fresh start that 2013 offers.
I've never been one to make resolutions, because we all know how hard they are to keep.
So this year I'm making *NO EXCUSES!*  I stole that motto from my lovely mother.

Some of my basics:

~ Blog more!  Here's lookin' at you, kids!  I love to blog, but always feel too boring.  That will change, as I plan on using my blog to keep me motivated to stick to my goals!

~ Eat healthy and shed a few pounds!  That one is pretty self explanatory.  I've been doing a little P90X with my husband lately so my goal is to add a daily workout to my normal routine and shed a little of the "post wedding weight" I've put on since my wedding last June!

~ Be more active!  I'm a homebody by nature, but my husband LOVES to do outdoor activities and so far, he's never been wrong about how fun a new adventure can be!  I plan on getting out of the house more in 2013, living life to the fullest and enjoying some new activities, both solo & as a family!

~ Finally give up my vices.  I gave up soda a couple years ago and I've given up smoking (I'll admit to a few social cigarettes in the past few months though, a habit I plan on kicking 100% this year).  I don't think I could ever give up my beloved Red Bulls...but cutting back almost entirely on my coffee is a fair trade for me.  A girl has to have something, right?

~ Finish a quilt...ANY quilt!  Actually, I plan on finishing more than one!  I want to make a scrap quilt and a baby quilt at least.

~ Make something of myself!  My plan is to focus on my sewing and stop making excuses for why it hasn't taken off yet.  I'm the problem!  I have such a great support team behind me, and I really need to focus on doing something for myself this year.  Something that is just for me and makes me happy.  I'm going to turn Miss B Design into a reality, something I can actually profit from!

~ Save more!  I plan on mildly couponing this year (I have no energy or patience for extreme couponing) and I plan on setting aside money as a regular habit!

~ Work!  Whether I'm working from home or somewhere else, I want to make more income this year!

~ Start planning for the future of our family.  Maybe that means a baby, maybe it means a college fund! ;)

~ Be more organized!  This is something I've been mastering for the past few years.  I'm organized almost to a fault.  Sometimes I don't put things back where they go but my wicked awesome photographic memory always knows where to find it.  I need to work on keeping things where they belong!   I also need to invest in some serious shelving or drawers for storage!

~ Finally clear out the garage!  We have alot of old boxes out there that have accumulated over the years since we move so much.  I got to a point where I didn't unpack everything each time and now that its been stored for a year, you start to realize how much you're not going to miss it!

Tonight, my husband and I will sit down with a couple cold beers and discuss our plans together for 2013.  This could be a great year if we play it right!

I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe New Years!  We will be visiting family in Tampa. 
Bring it on 2013!!

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