Sunday, December 30, 2012

The holidays are over, bring it on 2013!

I hate to say it, but I'm glad December is over.  Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays but I think this year more than ever I've been looking forward to the fresh start that 2013 offers.
I've never been one to make resolutions, because we all know how hard they are to keep.
So this year I'm making *NO EXCUSES!*  I stole that motto from my lovely mother.

Some of my basics:

~ Blog more!  Here's lookin' at you, kids!  I love to blog, but always feel too boring.  That will change, as I plan on using my blog to keep me motivated to stick to my goals!

~ Eat healthy and shed a few pounds!  That one is pretty self explanatory.  I've been doing a little P90X with my husband lately so my goal is to add a daily workout to my normal routine and shed a little of the "post wedding weight" I've put on since my wedding last June!

~ Be more active!  I'm a homebody by nature, but my husband LOVES to do outdoor activities and so far, he's never been wrong about how fun a new adventure can be!  I plan on getting out of the house more in 2013, living life to the fullest and enjoying some new activities, both solo & as a family!

~ Finally give up my vices.  I gave up soda a couple years ago and I've given up smoking (I'll admit to a few social cigarettes in the past few months though, a habit I plan on kicking 100% this year).  I don't think I could ever give up my beloved Red Bulls...but cutting back almost entirely on my coffee is a fair trade for me.  A girl has to have something, right?

~ Finish a quilt...ANY quilt!  Actually, I plan on finishing more than one!  I want to make a scrap quilt and a baby quilt at least.

~ Make something of myself!  My plan is to focus on my sewing and stop making excuses for why it hasn't taken off yet.  I'm the problem!  I have such a great support team behind me, and I really need to focus on doing something for myself this year.  Something that is just for me and makes me happy.  I'm going to turn Miss B Design into a reality, something I can actually profit from!

~ Save more!  I plan on mildly couponing this year (I have no energy or patience for extreme couponing) and I plan on setting aside money as a regular habit!

~ Work!  Whether I'm working from home or somewhere else, I want to make more income this year!

~ Start planning for the future of our family.  Maybe that means a baby, maybe it means a college fund! ;)

~ Be more organized!  This is something I've been mastering for the past few years.  I'm organized almost to a fault.  Sometimes I don't put things back where they go but my wicked awesome photographic memory always knows where to find it.  I need to work on keeping things where they belong!   I also need to invest in some serious shelving or drawers for storage!

~ Finally clear out the garage!  We have alot of old boxes out there that have accumulated over the years since we move so much.  I got to a point where I didn't unpack everything each time and now that its been stored for a year, you start to realize how much you're not going to miss it!

Tonight, my husband and I will sit down with a couple cold beers and discuss our plans together for 2013.  This could be a great year if we play it right!

I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe New Years!  We will be visiting family in Tampa. 
Bring it on 2013!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

*A New Quilt!*

Last Monday I received a package in the mail.  A large package!  I had been waiting for this particular package because I knew it would contain a new quilting square, some assorted scrap fabrics, and a bunch of gifts for Gavin's birthday this past weekend.


My faaavorite Grandma sent me a BEAUTIFUL new quilt!!

So the story of this quilt is as follows.  Listening to my Grandma tell me her side of how this quilt got from Point A years ago to my house in Florida; Point B today lined up perfectly with what I remembered in my mind.

Years ago, this quilt...aptly named "A Bear in the Woods" was the very last quilt my Grandma and her good friend Ruth HAND QUILTED.  Yes.  That's right.  They quilted it BY HAND.  Listen, I'm trying to make a mini scrap quilt right now and it is more complicated than it looks.  I'm looking forward to just having the pieces sewn together for mine (which has already taken a couple months of my spare time) so I can run it through my sewing machine to quilt over the top and be done with it just to say I've finished a quilt!  However, I've been taking my time because I don't do anything unless I'm doing it to the best of my ability.  I can't even imagine quilting it by hand.  Its that kind of patience that makes Grandma's so amazing I think.  Anyway, its incredible how much love and work went into this gorgeous quilt she sent me...and it definitely makes me want to start trucking along to finish up my quilt as well!

Back to the story though... we were up visiting my Grandma and they were having their Church Bazaar.  I remember that Grandma didn't go that year but she put this quilt up for sale/auction at the Bazaar.  I was watching people look at it, admire it, comment on how beautiful it was and I demanded that we buy the quilt, because it seemed like such a shame to sell it to someone after all that work went into it!  Its always been a part of my life...watching her quilt.  For years my relationship with my *Granny* centered around watching my Grandma & Granny quilting together.  I know my Grandma doesn't keep every quilt she's made.  I have 3 of her quilts (now 4), my brother has a couple, my Mom has several, etc.  I wanted Grandma to be there to talk about her quilt to whoever planned on buying it.  So in between stuffing my face with slices of delicious home baked cherry pie I managed to convince my parents to buy her quilt.

We brought it back to Grandma's house and according to her, *she was in such shock that we returned with it, she never said thank you.*  I wish I could rewind back to that moment when she realized it wasn't sold to a stranger (which honestly, is unlikely anyway because in her small town everyone knows everyone and she'd undoubtedly hear about her quilt down the road).  Regardless, we got it back for her & although she remembers not saying thank you, I never thought of it that way...I just remember bringing her quilt back and being happy to do so!

It doesn't matter to me what quilt(s) I end up with in the long run.  This quilt brought back cherished childhood memories...of watching Grandma sew & quilt, helping her pick fabrics and pair them up for quilt squares, going to the church bazaar and enjoying pie and quilts and beautiful hand crafted items.

Blogging about the church bazaar also reminds me of my Grandpa and his jigsaw down in the basement.  Its now collecting dust bunnies, and not saw dust anymore which makes me sad.  I remember watching Grandpa from the stairs as he cut out teeny tiny intricate pieces of wood.  Everything he made was beautiful!  I'm holding out the hope that someday I'll be the very proud owner of one of his Lord's Prayer wall hangings.  Nowadays he doesn't have the same energy he used to so he isn't able to do any woodworking...but it still makes me smile to sneak down into my Grandparents' basement for a soda whenever I'm home (even though I gave up soda pop a LONG time ago) where the smell of wood and sawdust still permeates the air.

I'm a sentimental person.  My husband can tell you that, because I save the most random things in boxes piled up in our garage where he wants to park his precious motorcycle.  He doesn't understand why I saved my old license plate or clothes from when Gav was a baby.  Maybe it was because he moved around a lot when he was young.  Who knows!?  Regardless, I LOVE memories.

Needless to say, this quilt is such a blessing and an honor to have in my home.  

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Puppy Chow

Yesterday we made one of my favorite holiday treats...*puppy chow.*
It was fun shaking everything together in a good 'ol paper bag!

I'm also working on some homemade Christmas gifts!! ;)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Oh, December...

December is the craziest month of the year for us, BY FAR!

I have a seasonal job at Things Remembered.  This is my second year working for them around the holidays & I honestly love it!  Mostly I enjoy interacting with complete strangers.  Its always interesting to listen to the stories people tell you.  TR is an engraving store.  We sell things ranging from jewelry, snow globes, ornaments, fine crystal, frames, watches, keychains, wallets, card holders, jewelry & music boxes, blankets, etc.  We customize everything by engraving it.  You'd really be amazed by the memories and reasons people share with me about what they're buying.

Today I met a sweet lady with a charming accent from South Africa.  She was buying an engagement gift for her daughter & new fiance.  She told me all about how she was on her 4th marriage and believed that happiness and love are what define your life and you should stop at nothing to find that.

I met a woman who was buying a memory box to give to her mother, who had just lost her husband.  She was going to fill it with momentos and the love notes he had written his wife over the years.  How sweet!

I met a lady celebrating her one year anniversary.

I met a man who talked about his daughter's 2 dogs like they were his prized grandchildren (only he called them his *granddogs*).

Long story short, its just an incredibly fulfilling job at times.  However, it also keeps me really busy!

Gavin's birthday is coming up next weekend.  I have to get a party at the park pulled together STAT! =)
I'm going to be doing Eight Acts of Kindness for his 8th birthday where we go leave quarters at the rides in the mall, fill up gumball machines, leave a dollar at the soda  machine, make a donation, etc.  I'm really excited to come up with some cool ideas!

But alas, its the weekend and I am relaxing for a brief moment before being whisked away again into the ever exciting life of a housewife. =) 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday = Fun Day!

Sunday Fun Day!

We started this “tradition” when my husband was working long hours all week but always had the weekends off.  It is our time to catch up, spend time together as a family and just enjoy life which is honestly way too busy!  Unfortunately my lovely hubby has since changed jobs and doesn’t get weekends off very often.  Today was a rare treat!  That’s not to say that we nixed the Sunday Fun Day idea, we just changed it to Beef’s Monday where we go enjoy chicken wings at our local Beef O’ Brady’s and play trivia and chat up our usual waitress, Jessica.  ;)  But back to today…Ricky was off on a SUNDAY!

He decided he wanted to go kayaking/canoeing.  I was a little iffy about it, because when I think about canoeing I think about those Olympic rowing routines where everyone is rowing in sync, left or right, putting all their muscle into it, going against the current, etc.  Hahaha!  I’m sure that I built it up more in my mind to be this terribly exhausting adventure but it was actually a TOTAL BLAST!!  Gavin is usually a whiner when it comes to any kind of physical activity…especially when it involves being somewhere that there is no bathroom around (his ONE accident happened when he was 4 but it must have been really traumatizing).

Anyway, we started the day with a delicious lunch at Five Guys Burgers & Fries and then headed out to Dunnellon, this cute & quaint little town about 20 minutes away.  Dunnellon reminds me of home (Kansas).  Its small town living, Mom & Pop restaurants, and you can get from one side of town to the other in 15 minutes or less.

We rented our canoe from the MAYOR of Dunellon!  How awesome is that!?  He was a super cool guy and told us lots of stories about how much work he’s doing to make Dunnellon a more tourist friendly town!  Awesome guy.

The river?  BEAUTIFUL.  Ricky did all the paddling/rowing.  I pretty much got to kick back and relax.  Gavin was really enjoying pretending to paddle.  We had a great 2 hour ride down the Rainbow River!

Friday, November 30, 2012

New spin on an old blog.

Maybe I've been watching too much Gossip Girl, but lately I've really felt the urge to blog.  The problem is that I *always* talk myself out of whatever I'm in the mood to write about!  So my blog is currently undergoing construction to maybe become something more wonderful!

The truth is my life isn't necessarily the most exciting but its special to me.  I'm a stay at home Mom to one fabulously exhausting almost 8 year old son, Gavin.  He is a 2nd grader, a math whiz, an avid video game player, lover of spy movies, cartoons, pizza & popcorn.  He loves riding his bike and playing outside with his friends and even likes to help me around the house by sweeping, swiffering and windexing.  He hates cleaning his room and usually ends up on the couch because its "more comfortable."  He's always asking questions, no matter how many times I've said "oh buddy, I have no idea!"  He likes to wear his old costumes around the house and has an inspiring imagination.  He loves me even when I'm the mean Mom and still likes to hold my hand when we walk into the grocery store (although its usually followed with a request for candy or a cookie)!

Gavin, light of my life! <3

He was the ring bearer in our wedding.  My handsome little guy, always the life of the party!

I'm married to an incredible man, Ricky...who has always allowed me to be myself even when that person is a little crazy.  He is the high to my low!  I would say the best thing about my husband is his insane ability to know exactly what I need and when I need it.  Help, space, a shoulder to cry on, a night off from our routine, whatever it is...he gets it.  We've been together almost 7 years now (wow!) and just got married this past June in beautiful Rincon, Puerto Rico!

My handsome husband, Ricky & I on our wedding day! 

What about me, you might be asking (or maybe not)?  I'm Beth...29 years old, born and raised in the great state of Kansas but now residing as a Floridian (for the past 9 years).  I enjoy the simple things in life and my life truly revolves around my boys, my house and my furbabies.  I'm an animal lover, with 3 cats; Cosmo, Emma, and Joe and a German Shepherd, Zeus.  I love to cook, but only when I have the creative license to make a recipe my own.  For example, I can't be bothered to make Hamburger Helper, but I love to make biscuits, or pesto, or pasta from scratch!  I live for comfort food.  Being married to Ricky has broadened my horizons to some amazing Puerto Rican dishes as well!  I collect antique cameras and German Shepherd trinkets.  I love to read but never have the time so when I find a good book I generally won't put it down until its finished because I know it will be awhile before I pick it back up!  I'm an Auntie to 2 beautiful nieces, Emerson & Madeline...daughters of my only (younger) brother, Greg.  I'm also the Godmommy of 2 more beautiful girls, Destinee & as you can tell, my cup runneth over.

 Our Zeus.  He will be 5 years old this Tuesday and we've had him since he was a 2 mo. old puppy.  Shepherds are GREAT family dogs!

 Joey, our "baby."  He's only 2 years old & was supposed to be Ricky's cat since they picked each other at the adoption office...but he's careful with his affection and likes me more. ;)

 Cosmo, MY cat.  I got him when Gavin was a newborn.  He's been with me through alot in the past 8 years.  He's definitely my cat, a snuggler, likes to sleep by my head, fiesty but gentle.

 Ah, the prissy cat, Emma Bella.  She doesn't know that's her name because we only mostly refer to her as *Pretty Girl.*  I saved her from becoming a stray and she's been around almost as long as Cosmo.  She's the outspoken cat, always meowing and purring.  Loves to be under blankets.  Fat cat who loooves to eat.

 My nieces, Emerson (Emma) and new baby, Madeline (born 11-20-12).

 My first blessing, my oldest Goddaughter, Destinee Marie.  She's so intelligent, polite, helpful, kind, considerate, mature & just wonderful in general!

 My beautiful Goddaughter, Ariel.  She's so sweet, kind, soft spoken, and gentle.  There's something unique about her...she has a zest and a spark for life that makes everything sunny!

So that's it.  A little background about me, my life, my boys, my parents, my pets, & my girls. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Five Dollar ($5) Sale!!

The holidays are here!

Right now I have TONS of adorable peppermint rice bags available for sale!  I will post some photos below.  They come in a wide variety, as I try to make the use of all my fabric possible so the smaller ones can be used as hand warmers in your pockets, while the largest would make a great size for your aching lower back, the longest are perfect as neck wraps and the smaller, more compact make wonderful cold compresses for bumps and bruises!

I am currently using the following fabrics:
Light Mint Green
Bright Lime Green
Bright Pink
Birds in Cages
Pink & Green Skulls

I am not taking custom orders, as I'm trying to clear out what I already have made which means they'll ship quickly!

I am charging $5 for each rice bag.
All are infused with 100% pure peppermint oil.
They are made with 100% Cotton Flannel.

They can be used hot or cold.  Heat them up in the microwave for 1 minute or freeze them (inside a ziploc bag) as an alternate to a harsh ice pack!  Great for migraines, achy or sore muscles or just to warm up on a chilly night!

If you would like to purchase one, you can pick a size:
Lower Back (approx. " x ")
Neck Wrap (approx. 12" x 4")
Small Compress (approx. 4" x 6")
Large Compress (approx. 8" x 5")
Hand Warmers (approx. 4" x 3")

How to Order:
Shoot me an email first and I'll send you an invoice to pay.  You can reach me personally at
Shipping will be $1 on all purchases.

Please include the design and size you'd like in your email and your shipping address as well!

I've been busy making tea wallets as well, so if you'd like one of those (some styles represented below) they're also selling for $5/each.  Tea not included!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

This Week's Goals, Tasks & Projects

Oi vey, I have been BUSY!  I say that all the time, I know...but life can be exhausting when you're nearing 30!

My projects this week include the following:
1) Work on a quilt I've started.  I can't post many details here because its a surprise for someone special, but its a scrap quilt.  That's not entirely true though because my OCD plus my lack of a substantial scrap base to work with means that I've bought a few fat quarters to add to it as well as lots of thrift store/clearance fabrics (more on that in a minute).  So when I say *scrap quilt* I really mean that I'm not stressing about the small stuff.  Its my first quilt EVER and I learn something with every square I make.  I'm not following a pattern, just using random sizes pieced together...well, randomly.   I'm going to be making this quilt with 8" squares and it will be 76" x 60" when its done (give or take).  I am giving you a sneak peek here, but other than this will be minimal.  I will just say that I'm hoping to finish it this month.  I'm 1/3 of the way done with my squares...hoping it gets easier and quicker from there!

My first 18 squares (that's 3 of 8 rows done)!  These were quickly arranged for the photos sake, but will be completely organized when I put it all together.  This was from scraps I had around the house already.  I am already sick of trying to find ways to pair up some of the colors/designs so I've been avidly searching for teals, blues, browns, greens and oranges to toss in.  I have 30 more squares to make...plenty of time to add in some extras!

2)  I'd like to finish this Strawberry Shortcake baby blanket I started.  Originally I was going to sell it on Etsy but I accidentally selected the wrong stitch on my machine and didn't realize it until halfway through and after wasting that much thread I didn't feel like seam ripping to repair it.  I will send it to my niece, Emerson for one of her dolls, because the stitching is sloppy and I really couldn't even give it away to someone without feeling like I was shafting them...but I know my beautiful niece won't mind the bad stitching. ;)  Not a complete waste!

3) Take better photos of my "products" to use on Etsy and then update the listings, as well as post a couple more.  I still haven't had any success making a sale, but I guess that will come with time.  I think mostly I'm just feeling the pressure of almost *needing* to sell something to a) make all the money I've spent on sewing things worth it and b) provide some kind of income to my family.  Things are a little tight right now with my husband starting a new job and I'd love to provide some kind of support/cushion!

4) Fall cleaning around the house!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lions & Tigers and...DRAGONS, oh my!

Yesterday Gavin and I were bored at home and I realized that out of all this sewing I've been doing...I haven't done anything for him other than a quick handkerchief apron!  Throughout my many searches for patterns online I've bookmarked several sites for things I want to try eventually and I decided yesterday was the perfect day to make Gavin a dragon tail!

You can find the original brilliant Mom who designed it here: Tatertots & Jello

 Helping me add a little stuffing to the spikes because the orange fabric was an old sheet and very thin.  He even pinned after stuffing!!
 He loves it, acting silly as usual!
We used green flannel and an old orange sheet for the spikes.

The only thing I'd do differently next time (because you know he wants them in all different colors now, haha) make my strips for the straps a little longer.  Gavin is 7 and its really tight around his waist.  I might have to add extenders to the straps down the road.  Oh well, he loves it & that's all that matters!