Monday, July 29, 2013

Some of my latest projects ...(late post, oops)!

I wanted to make sure I updated my blog (newly revamped and still in progress) to include some photos of some of my latest projects...emphasis on the *late* part.
We are finally all settled into our new house.  It was a long process getting everything put together and my energy went directly into the yard and newly acquired koi ponds at the new place.  I haven't done any sewing since moving here and lately that's really been weighing heavy on me.  My sewing machine was actually collecting dust!  Yikes!!  I have a couple new projects in the works:
1) A baby quilt for my dear friend, Phoenix and her new baby, Amelia.
2) A Boppy pillow cover for my lovely friend, Jinni and baby #3 on the way.
3)  A pouch for my longtime BFF, Rachel and her crochet hooks.

Until I can make it to the fabric store (which is sadly about 35 mins away now), I haven't been able to get those started.  I'm working on it ladies!

In the meantime, here are some of the projects I did shortly before the move (or earlier but never posted).

This quilt was made by my now famous Grandma for Ricky on his birthday.  It is our favorite quilt ever, as its SO COMFY and soft!  I love it!!

Yes!  I made another quilt after the one I made for Grandma.  This one is all mine!  It was made using all the scraps from the quilt I made my Grandma.  The teal is the border from her quilt, plus muslin and i bought a sheet for the backing.  We use this quilt on the couch and in the guest room now.  It was a real chore to make but I got it done start to finish in less than a month.  It kept me busy while my hubby and I were living in different houses planning our move!

If you follow my facebook page, you've seen this by now.  This was technically the first quilt I ever made and its 100% organic.  It was a gift for my sister in law, Tina to celebrate our new nephew Tyler.  It was a simple quilt to make, and I absolutely adore it.  I was so happy to see it sprawled across her rocking chair in Tyler's bedroom!

I finally learned how to make those adorable tutus you've probably seen everywhere.  They are incredibly easy and a blast to make.  My son refused to model them for me here he is holding up a Tinkerbell inspired tutu for my friend Jinni's daughter on her 2nd birthday.  You can't tell in the pic, but it even sparkles!!

This was a pattern I made up on my own after my friend Charlene asked me to make her a wristlet pincushion.  As you can see, the cushion is detachable so she can keep it next to her machine when needed and the wrist strap also velcros for easy adjustments.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Surprise Quilt!!

Most of my close friends and family know all about this, but I wanted to make a blog entry to share the story!! Back when I first got my sewing machine I decided to make a quilt and it has taken me a LONG time to complete one. I always knew I wanted to give my first quilt to my Grandma! This particular quilt happened in stages and honestly, even by accident. I made some original quilt squares with odd sized scraps and called them "wonky" but just couldn't fall in love with them! I tried to help a friend, Charlene with a quilt and wanted to share my scraps with her. I cut them all to size for her before realizing I had measured wrong and cut all of them too short! Inspired by her quilt though, I used my scraps as practice and just loved the result!! From there, my first ever quilt was born! Its taken me about 6 months from concept to finish. I wasn't always plugging away at it. I gave the quilt to my amazing Grandma Prewitt for Mother's Day and she was just so thrilled! I was fortunate enough to have my family there to tape and capture her reaction!! Enjoy the pics!!

You can read more about my amazing Grandma by  CLICKING HERE!



Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello, darlings!

How has everyone been!?  I know, I know...I've been completely MIA lately.
We've had ALOT going on around here.  We're currently in the process of moving to a new city.  My husband is actually spending half of each week at the new house getting things ready for move in and my son and I are living full time at the old house until he's done with his 2nd grade year in June.  Then we'll all be reunited officially!
In the meantime, I've been doing a lot of weekend trips to the new house bringing things up little by little to make it more cozy for my hubby dearest and during the week I'm just completely consumed with my normal chores and housework, getting Gav to & from school, school projects and homework.

I've barely been sewing until recently when I got a big order in for several of my adorable little boxy pouches!
Right before that I was plugging away at a very special secret project.  I still don't want to spill the beans on it here, because the recipient isn't going to receive it for another couple weeks.  Better safe than sorry, I don't want to spoil the surprise!
It was such a fun project and a huge learning experience for me!!  I can't wait to share photos!!

I've had a little interest lately in seeing more on my Etsy page.  Several people have been requesting aprons!  I'm excited to try a couple new patterns.  I've already made a couple children's aprons for my son and my niece, but making a cute frilly adult apron will be a bigger challenge!

I apologize for my absence and silence!  I assure you things will pick up again when we get settled into the new house (and my new sewing nook has spotlights)!  I hate being away from my sewing machine for so long because its definitely my way to unwind and relax (as crazy as that might sound).
I recently went through and organized a lot of my fabrics so I know what I'm working with now.  I have more [and less] than I thought!  I have some amazing prints that I'm saving to use on new Etsy listings.  I tend to make a lot of things for friends and family (willingly, lol) so I want to save it for things I can sell to make strangers happy! ;) I've acquired quite a fabric stash and I'm not even done yet, haha!!

Anyway, I promise to be better at was one of my New Years resolutions!
Just know that I haven't disappeared and can't wait to get back into my groove with everything!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Oops, here's the how-to!

I got completely sidetracked by my own thoughts in my previous post and forgot to actually write about HOW I organize which was basically the main point of my post, haha.
Keep in mind, this is what works for me & may not work for you.  The trick is to adapt.  Take some of these helpful tips, along with those that you find elsewhere and find a system that works for you.

I set small goals for myself first.  Then I set a larger "in the end" goal that I basically forget about until I've tackled every other thing on my list...because its my small goals that lead to the big one.
When it comes to cleaning, organizing and small goals are each individual room and my large goal is to go through every last room, closet, cabinet & drawer until I've done them all.

For the purpose of this post, I'll just keep it simple.

A couple ground rules that I follow:

A) Finish one room completely before moving to another (trust me, stick to it).  You don't want to have an entire house of half organized stuff.  Finishing a room brings a sense of completion that carries you into the next project.   It will slow you down if you're thinking about what you neglected to do in the previous room.

B) If its expired, toss it.  If its a bathroom product (i.e. liquid, soap, shampoo, makeup, medicine, etc.) and its more than a year old, toss it.  If you haven't touched it, used it or even thought about it in the past year, toss it.  Learning to throw things away is CRUCIAL.  Sure, that super sparkly blue eyeshadow looked great that one time and sure, I might want to wear blue eyeshadow again someday, but that day hasn't come anytime recently therefore that blue eyeshadow is just waste.

C) Trust your gut.  If your gut says "keep it" then do so.  You'll do another clean up a year from now and realize you didn't need such & such but keep it if it makes you happy.  Don't stress about it.  I like to think that if I at least toss about as much as I'm keeping I'm in a good place.

D) Buy good trash bags before even attempting a cleanup.  I'm talking the 30 gallon, black, Hefty bags.  Challenge yourself to fill at least one trash bag per room (or whatever your particular cleanup calls for).

E)  Save your breaks.  Nobody *likes* to clean.  You'll often get bored, discouraged, frustrated or tired by what you're doing.  Keep going.  You can take a 5-15 minute break between rooms.  Finish the entire room before you stop.  Otherwise you'll start feeling like you've been working in the same area ALL day. If you keep the momentum going you can easily tackle one room at a time before taking a break.  Believe you can do it.

When I start in any given room of my house I do the following:

1) Pick up any normal clutter and put it where I'd normally put it when I'm cleaning.  Working with a clean room to begin with makes me want to strive to get it back to cleanliness after I've dumped everything out and created a big mess.  To organize efficiently, you're going to need to make a mess.  Forget the windex and wood polish for now.  You'll have time for that when the room is decluttered.  Give yourself plenty of room to sort.

2) If there is a big task (as in, size matters), do it first.  If that means cleaning all your old clothes out of the closet first because they're overflowing and making your workspace difficult to navigate, start there.  You'll feel great after you clear out a bunch of larger items and the room will already start to feel lighter.

3) Next, move onto things that annoy you the most.  For me, its junk drawers.  Any place where random items are accumulating.  Why?  Because they require more sorting and time devotion.  It usually involves a lot of small things that have to be organized.  The easiest method I've found is mini piles.  I make a mini pile of things that belong in the kitchen, or my son's room or the bathroom.  Instead of running every little thing from room to room I can take it all at once.  On that note, I also LOVE old shoeboxes for this reason.  I usually have one for each room of my house and I bring them with me as I clear room after room.  Organizing within organizing, the way someone with OCD would do it.

*HINT*  If you're boxing things up and/or have a lot of items you plan on just storing...I suggest using medium sized boxes.  I avoid large boxes because I have a tendency to pack them too heavy which defeats the purpose when we're moving if nobody can lift the darn box.  Small boxes just mean more to move.  A good sturdy medium box means I won't be keeping too much but I'll have room for what I need.

4) Okay, you've done something BIG and you've done something annoying now, right?  Now do something easy.  Organize something that doesn't require much organization.

5) You should be done or very close to done by this point.  If you're still far from your goal, keep pushing.  Box after box, tub after tub, until you've sorted through everything in the room.

6) Lastly, clean that room the way a maid would.  Wipe down mirrors and windows, polish furniture, clean your baseboards and any smudges off the walls.  Wash your bedding if you're in a bedroom.  Vacuum, sweep or mop the floors.  Give yourself a pat on the back and move on!

In my case this task took me a couple weeks and I'm still going strong.  At the end of it I'll haul everything I've purged out of my garage and off to recycling, the dump or Goodwill.  Then life will go back to normal.

Monday, February 25, 2013

How I Organize...

We are moving this summer...either to a different house, or a different city altogether.
I can't really start packing now, because that would be silly when we have 4 whole months left here.  Packing things away for 4-5 months means they aren't things we need on a day to day basis which is cause for throwing them out!
I started with the garage.  Mainly because we bought a new car.  Well, Ricky did.  It will be his daily driver, now that his new job requires a commute.  He's always driving me crazy about cleaning out the garage because there are things out there that just move from one house to the next but never get sorted through.  So I successfully hauled a bunch of things off to the recycling center with his dad and him and cleaned the garage out!
Then I got this crazy idea to tackle the office/guest room/ my sewing room.  I went completely OCD in there.  Printed labels for everything, sorted through every single drawer and the closet.  I impressed myself, haha.
Then I reorganized some of the kitchen cabinets and cleaned out the cabinets in our small laundry room.
Today, I sorted all the laundry...which feels like moving mountains to me.
I went through our master closet and pulled out a ton of clothes to toss or donate.  I did that mainly because my husband has lost 70 lbs. this past year and it was high time to clear out his bigger clothes in celebration of such a huge accomplishment.
Then I did most of the laundry (its still going) from wash, to dry, to folded & hung.
Finally, Gavin and I went crazy cleaning out his room.  I was very proud of him...he cleared out 3 large trash bags worth of junk!  
We are going to rearrange it tonight as soon as I come up with a plan to fix his platform bed which I messed up while moving it.  Anytime you tackle a clean up in Gavin's room its a HUGE task so to just toss that in randomly & finish (for the most part) felt great!!
Tonight and/or tomorrow I think I'll work on the bathroom & linen closets, the china cabinet, and our "junk drawers."
My goal is to have gone through every room from top to bottom and at least have everything sorted & decluttered by Friday.
Then I can enlist Ricky's help cleaning up the yard & hauling things away this weekend!
*whew*  Even this post was exhausting.

Here are some photos of the cleanup in my sewing room!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Quilt Progress

Today I had the chance to bust out a ton of quilt work.
I spent awhile cutting my scraps to size, then sewed them once (I'm working on my own version of a postage stamp quilt).  Press, then sew those sets together.  Press.
I stopped here, because I wanted to see what it would look like using the postage stamp squares and pieces as a border for the 8" scrap squares I'd made awhile back but fallen out of love with.
So I'm using the little squares to throw off the big squares.
Anyway, I'll start putting them all together for real when I get it to cover my bed top at least.
I'm wanting it to be throw sized, mainly because its easier and I want to get it finished quickly in case I decide to give it as a gift.
Here of some photos of me working on the rough draft layout.
I'll have some sizing issues to work out but that will be down the road!
I'm farther along than I thought I was, so I just need to stay motivated to keep busting these pieces out!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Its Official!!

I have officially made my first Etsy sale!  One of my dear friends who I met ONCE many years ago when I was adjusting to living on an Air Force base bought a bag and a pouch from me!  I'm so excited!  I hope that there are many more purchases after that!

Of course, I have to keep making things!  I have plenty of ideas from friends that they're interested in so that will be my focus this upcoming week.  Keep in mind, if you ever see a fabric or design you love...let me know and I'll custom make something for you as long as I have the right materials!  When I'm done, I'll list your item in a custom listing on Etsy so you can securely check out.

I have a couple other projects I want to work on this week.  One is my scrap quilt.  I've organized all my scraps by color so I need to start cutting them down to size for a scrap quilt I've been working on off and on for what seems like FOREVER.  I can't ever get my ideas straight for this first quilt and I know its because I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself.  I want my first quilt to be nothing short of spectacular, scraps or not!
I also have an idea that I want to work out some fine details on.  A couple people I know are pregnant (one of them in my very own sister in law) and I've been racking my brain for out of the ordinary gift ideas I can make them.  I don't want to make something that will just get tossed in with the bundles of baby stuff they'll get at their baby showers.  So I have an idea for something a little different and I can't wait to start messing with the pattern and seeing what I can come up with!

As always, I am so grateful for your support and kind words.  I love comments so don't hesitate to comment on a blog post!  Keep checking my Etsy shop for new things!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My newest fabrics!

My dad was just in Florida visiting me and he helped me stock up on some much needed fresh new fabrics!  I'm so excited to start sewing with these new colorful prints!  I'm going to have a few things listed by the end of the week!  Check back *soon* for updates! =)

I'm also going to be offering these little pouches for a few bucks.  I made some for Gavin's teachers for Valentine's Day and have plenty of fabric leftover to make more! Ours were stuffed with candy, but you can use them for just about anything because the pocket is high!

While my Dad was in town, I made him a little shaving bag to keep his bathroom stuff in.  I loved the mustache print and designed this bag myself using tips and ideas from random tutorials & patterns I'd used in the past.  Bags & pouches are getting easier and easier and I like to make each one unique!

 Found some cute new things to decorate my sewing room with!


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Busy Days.

This morning I woke up after a much needed 8 hours of sleep & got Gavin off to school.  He's such a little champ in the mornings.  Gets himself ready right on schedule.  Awesome kiddo I'm raising. ;)

Right after I drop Gav off at school its my morning ritual to just sit down for a bit and relax with some caffeine and last night's DVR'd shows.  A slow start to my day.  But today, I woke up anxious because I have SO MUCH to do over the next few days!  So I started with a to do list...a massive one.
I'm probably only halfway through my list and its already after 4pm!  So I've just been busy, busy, busy.

My Dad is visiting us from Colorado and arrives in Florida on this upcoming Sunday!  I'm so excited!!
Of course anytime a guest is coming my OCD kicks into overdrive.
So back to cleaning I must go!
I hope you are all having a great week!  If you're not, at least its halfway over!
Happy Wednesday!!


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wow, I am truly blessed!!

I have the most amazing friends and family.  You all have been out there spreading the word about me and my "numbers" have skyrocketed!!  My facebook page is growing, my blog views are increasing, my inbox is filling up with loads of encouragement, ideas, and future orders.
I am blessed to know all of you.  For those of you reading that I don't know personally...I'm blessed that you stopped by my little corner of the world for a peek.

With that being said, its apparent I need to kick it into high gear and start posting listings on my Etsy so you lovelies have more to look at!
Up until this point in time I've been practicing.  I make almost everything as practice and because I'm a perfectionist I give those things as gifts if even one stitch is out of place!

I've finally realized that I need to stop doubting myself and my talent because not a single person has ever called my work lackluster or imperfect.  I absolutely can't wait to share and sell new things!

So keep an eye out and definitely check back with me if you want a little piece of Miss B to cherish!

Comments, feedback, compliments, suggestions are ALWAYS welcome!
Tell me what you look for when you're shopping for handmade goods.  What appeals to you most?  What would you be most interested in purchasing if my talents allow me make it?  What are your favorite fabrics, patterns and designs?
I'm still molding Miss B Designs to be something that not only passes the time for me but also provides my friends, family and fans with things they'd love to have but might not normally buy.  I promise you reasonable prices and I guarantee that anything you purchase from me in the future will be made with love, care and a critical eye.

You can like my Facebook page HERE.
You can find my Etsy HERE, although I haven't posted much quite yet so please be patient!
You can also follow my personal Instagram under Jinxdkarma where I post photos of my work from time to time!

If you see any of my previous fabrics or designs that you absolutely love let me know because I'm always willing to use up what's left of each print.  The end of one yard means I get another!!

That's it for now!  Thank you all for your love & support!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

If you'd like to order something...

If you'd like to order something you've seen me make before, just let me know!  I'm still starting up but I've had several of my amazingly supportive friends interested in buying things from me and I'd love to offer you the chance.
I make many random things, mostly with my sewing machine.
If there's something specific you're wanting that I haven't done yet, let me know!  My favorite thing to do is practice and tune my skills by trying out all kinds of different tutorials and patterns!

For now, if you're wanting something just email me at and we'll discuss details & price.  
I have paypal to make payment easy.
I can also create a custom listing for you on Etsy for you to complete your purchase if you'd like.

Hot/cold neck wraps, eye masks, kleenex covers, tea wallets, credit card pouches, little boxy zipper pouches are some of the things I've done in the past.
I am also an authorized seller of these adorable buttercup bags (large or small).

If you're here to check things out for the first time and/or be supportive, that's okay too!  I love all your kind words and encouragement and I'm so grateful you stopped by my blog today! =)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Little Scarlet Riding Hood

Today I challenged myself to make a red riding hood for my good friend & her daughters upcoming 2 year birthday.
It was fun & simple!
I love the way it rippled when I used my zigzag stitch on the edges! !

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Here's to tomorrow...

January hasn't started out exactly as I had planned.
I had these big goals, a real heart to heart with myself and I was ready to tackle 2013 on the first day of the year.
But life always happens and adjusting to new routines isn't always easy.
I've been battling a few internal struggles as well, which has kind of put me in a funk.
Regardless, I'm jumping back on the wagon tomorrow.

I've been dealing with a lot of self doubt lately. 
Maybe its because I set some lofty goals for myself this year and I feel kind of *stuck* on all of them.
Maybe its because by the time I have a chance to think about achieving my personal goals, I'm too exhausted from helping other people reach their happiness.
Alas, I need to get it all in check.

So here's to tomorrow.
Less doubt, fewer excuses.
One step at a time.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Warning: Organization in Progress

My apologies in advance to any of my "email subscribers."  I'm doing some organizing on my blog today to make everything *flow* nicer.  This is very much a trial & error process for me...I'm googling tutorials as I go. =)  But just think, its going to look nice & fresh.

Welcome to 2013!!