Monday, July 29, 2013

Some of my latest projects ...(late post, oops)!

I wanted to make sure I updated my blog (newly revamped and still in progress) to include some photos of some of my latest projects...emphasis on the *late* part.
We are finally all settled into our new house.  It was a long process getting everything put together and my energy went directly into the yard and newly acquired koi ponds at the new place.  I haven't done any sewing since moving here and lately that's really been weighing heavy on me.  My sewing machine was actually collecting dust!  Yikes!!  I have a couple new projects in the works:
1) A baby quilt for my dear friend, Phoenix and her new baby, Amelia.
2) A Boppy pillow cover for my lovely friend, Jinni and baby #3 on the way.
3)  A pouch for my longtime BFF, Rachel and her crochet hooks.

Until I can make it to the fabric store (which is sadly about 35 mins away now), I haven't been able to get those started.  I'm working on it ladies!

In the meantime, here are some of the projects I did shortly before the move (or earlier but never posted).

This quilt was made by my now famous Grandma for Ricky on his birthday.  It is our favorite quilt ever, as its SO COMFY and soft!  I love it!!

Yes!  I made another quilt after the one I made for Grandma.  This one is all mine!  It was made using all the scraps from the quilt I made my Grandma.  The teal is the border from her quilt, plus muslin and i bought a sheet for the backing.  We use this quilt on the couch and in the guest room now.  It was a real chore to make but I got it done start to finish in less than a month.  It kept me busy while my hubby and I were living in different houses planning our move!

If you follow my facebook page, you've seen this by now.  This was technically the first quilt I ever made and its 100% organic.  It was a gift for my sister in law, Tina to celebrate our new nephew Tyler.  It was a simple quilt to make, and I absolutely adore it.  I was so happy to see it sprawled across her rocking chair in Tyler's bedroom!

I finally learned how to make those adorable tutus you've probably seen everywhere.  They are incredibly easy and a blast to make.  My son refused to model them for me here he is holding up a Tinkerbell inspired tutu for my friend Jinni's daughter on her 2nd birthday.  You can't tell in the pic, but it even sparkles!!

This was a pattern I made up on my own after my friend Charlene asked me to make her a wristlet pincushion.  As you can see, the cushion is detachable so she can keep it next to her machine when needed and the wrist strap also velcros for easy adjustments.

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