Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wow, I am truly blessed!!

I have the most amazing friends and family.  You all have been out there spreading the word about me and my "numbers" have skyrocketed!!  My facebook page is growing, my blog views are increasing, my inbox is filling up with loads of encouragement, ideas, and future orders.
I am blessed to know all of you.  For those of you reading that I don't know personally...I'm blessed that you stopped by my little corner of the world for a peek.

With that being said, its apparent I need to kick it into high gear and start posting listings on my Etsy so you lovelies have more to look at!
Up until this point in time I've been practicing.  I make almost everything as practice and because I'm a perfectionist I give those things as gifts if even one stitch is out of place!

I've finally realized that I need to stop doubting myself and my talent because not a single person has ever called my work lackluster or imperfect.  I absolutely can't wait to share and sell new things!

So keep an eye out and definitely check back with me if you want a little piece of Miss B to cherish!

Comments, feedback, compliments, suggestions are ALWAYS welcome!
Tell me what you look for when you're shopping for handmade goods.  What appeals to you most?  What would you be most interested in purchasing if my talents allow me make it?  What are your favorite fabrics, patterns and designs?
I'm still molding Miss B Designs to be something that not only passes the time for me but also provides my friends, family and fans with things they'd love to have but might not normally buy.  I promise you reasonable prices and I guarantee that anything you purchase from me in the future will be made with love, care and a critical eye.

You can like my Facebook page HERE.
You can find my Etsy HERE, although I haven't posted much quite yet so please be patient!
You can also follow my personal Instagram under Jinxdkarma where I post photos of my work from time to time!

If you see any of my previous fabrics or designs that you absolutely love let me know because I'm always willing to use up what's left of each print.  The end of one yard means I get another!!

That's it for now!  Thank you all for your love & support!!

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