Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Busy Days.

This morning I woke up after a much needed 8 hours of sleep & got Gavin off to school.  He's such a little champ in the mornings.  Gets himself ready right on schedule.  Awesome kiddo I'm raising. ;)

Right after I drop Gav off at school its my morning ritual to just sit down for a bit and relax with some caffeine and last night's DVR'd shows.  A slow start to my day.  But today, I woke up anxious because I have SO MUCH to do over the next few days!  So I started with a to do list...a massive one.
I'm probably only halfway through my list and its already after 4pm!  So I've just been busy, busy, busy.

My Dad is visiting us from Colorado and arrives in Florida on this upcoming Sunday!  I'm so excited!!
Of course anytime a guest is coming my OCD kicks into overdrive.
So back to cleaning I must go!
I hope you are all having a great week!  If you're not, at least its halfway over!
Happy Wednesday!!


1 comment:

  1. Your morning sounds like mine! OCD, caffeine, cleaning, and massive to do list! One major super mama!! Yay for your Dad visiting!!! I bet Gavin is thrilled along with Mama! Enjoy your time!!
